It wasn't easy working out during the pandemic! So I teamed up with WTOC News in Savannah, GA to bring the gym to you! No weights, no dumbbells, no gym...NO PROBLEM! Fast forward to the present and we're back in the gym but sometimes life happens and we need a quick fitness fix at home. What do you have at home to get your fitness on?!? I've got a 60 lb dog that is perfect for back-squats, I've got plenty of cardio to do around the house in the form of vacuuming dog hair, chasing my animals, and of course the gym that never closes: My living room where I can do all the body weight exercises to my heart's content (and health)
Check out my segment on WTOC's "MORNING BREAK" www.wtoc.com/morningbreak/
Check out my segment on WTOC's "MORNING BREAK" www.wtoc.com/morningbreak/
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